


VIRTUAL WINERY TOUR ~Let’s visit Mr. Konishi, The CEO of VILLA D’EST GARDEN FARM & WINEY~ SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21st [Documentary Film + Live Streaming] [Wine and Cheese Included]


~Let’s visit Mr. Konishi, The CEO of VILLA D’EST GARDEN FARM & WINEY~
[Documentary Film + Live Streaming][Wine and Cheese Included]

VILLA D’EST GARDEN FARM & WINEY is famous for “Vignerons Reserve Chardonnay” that was served at Toyako Summit and Iseshima Summit.
2019 is great vintage and the quality exceeds average year. Shall we enjoy the Chardonnay with the CEO, Mr. Toru Konishi, of the winery?

This event will introduce you Mr. Konishi’s passion on his wine making via Documentary Film and Live Streaming. The film includes wine making scenes rarely can be seen.
In the Live Streaming, you can communicate with him via Zoom chat function.
This event will be in mainly Japanese with English subtitles.

Mr. Toru Konishi

Ms. Akiko Taguchi
(Live Streaming Facilitator/The Chief Editor of Japan Wine Navi)

Sign Up Here

We have closed entry of this event. Thanks for a lot of purchase!

Date & Time

15:00 (30 mins Documentary Film)
16:00 (Live Streaming Virtual Winery Tour)
16:45 (End)
※Live Streaming will be held by Zoom.
The URL of the documentary film and live streaming virtual winery tour will be sent to you the previous day of the event.

Closing date of Sign Up

15 Nov 2020

Event Ticket Price

8,800 yen (Following items are included)
・Vignerons Reserve Chardonnay 2019 (Half bottle)
・Primavera Merlot 2018 (Full Bottle)
・Yeast Aging Soft Cheese “MIMAKI KIMOTO” produced by Bosqueso Cheese Lab.
※You have to be older than 21 year old to join this event.
※Wine and cheese will be delivered to you on 19th or 20th November from VILLA D’EST GARDEN FARM & WINEY .
※Capacity : 50 people

※Vignerons Reserve Chardonnay 2015 was served at Toyako Summit and the 2014 vintage was served at Iseshima Summit.

Yeast Aging Soft Cheese “MIMAKI KIMOTO” produced by Bosqueso Cheese Lab.
[Award History]
Japan Cheese Award 2018
Soft Oxidative Solidification Category: Silver Prize
[Milk Type・Category]
Cow Milk, Yeast Aging Soft Cheese
[Best Before Date]
One Week from Date of Shipment
Raw Milk, Salt


Japan Wine Navi: https://japanwine-navi.com/
Chikumagawa Wine Club:https://chikumagawa-wine-club.org/


  • You have to be old enough to consume liquor. (Ex. For Americans, you have to be older than 21 year old to join this event.)
  • Please install Zoom application before the event.
  • No questions related to internet connection can be answered during the event.
  • Please input your nick name in “User Name” on Zoom screen if you wouldn’t like to show your real name.
  • This event will be mainly Japanese with English subtitles.
  • Wine and cheese will be delivered to you on 19th or 20th November from VILLA D’EST GARDEN FARM & WINEY .
  • Delivery date of the wine and cheese cannot be selected.
  • When you have wine, please prepare water and don’t drink too much.
  • Cancellation fee will not be paid after signing up by your reasons.
  • Cancellation fee will not be paid even if you have any internet connection issue on the event date.
  • Please contact here for any questions: contact@japanwine-navi.com
  • ヴィラデストワイナリーオンラインイベント参加費(ワイン・チーズ付,送料込)/ Villa D’est Winery VIRTUAL TOUR EVENT FEE

    ¥8,000 お買い物カゴに追加


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テイスティング 日本ワイン×お家レシピ